Set a level for the wild pokemon, automatucally the total Hp value will be displayed in the Max Hp box.
You need to stimate the los Hp of the wild pokemon because the game doesn't show you the exact value.
For exmple, Bulbasaur level 50 has a max Hp of 105 and in battle it lost quarter of its life, so the current Hp will be 78.
Each poke ball has a different catch rate, so select the ball of your preference. Some poke balls are missing, they will be added soon.
The status condition of the wild pokemon afeects the capture, try to apply one of them (poison, sleep, paralysis, freeze, burn);otherwise, the catch will not be affeced.
Statistic Calculator Instructions
You know what are Evs and IVs? If you don’t please look this video.
Select your favorite pokemon or the one you want to know their stats.
Choose its level. For tournaments the pokemon level is 50.
The nature can improve one stat and decrease other at the same time, select the nature of your choice.
Distribute the Evs and Ivs of your pokemon. Remember you can only have 508 Ivs!! Make sure you make a wise choice.